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Teeth Whitening

Close up comparison of before and after teeth whitening treatment on a patient's smileHaving your teeth whitened at our office is a simple way to not only give yourself some self-confidence, but it can also help to get rid of stains and brighten your smile. Whether you are looking at teeth whitening simply to get it done, or if you have an important event coming up that you want to look your best for, let our caring professionals at Bravo Smile give you the ultimate whitening treatment for your needs. Our team can help you understand your options and choose the whitening plan that works best for you.

Why Whiten My Teeth at a Dental Office?

Whitening your teeth at our office provides a professional treatment option that will ensure your whitening procedure is done correctly, thoroughly, and with lasting benefits. The procedure only takes a short amount of time and is very safe. Having a whitening procedure done at our office is the most effective way to whiten, as well. Sensitive teeth can be treated properly, and the whitening effects of the procedure may last up to a year. Whitening your teeth at home can be dangerous if not done properly, and the effects may not last as long as a professional whitening treatment. Having your teeth whitened at our office can also help you avoid sensitivities or other issues you may already have.

What Is The Teeth Whitening Procedure Like?

When you have determined that you want to have your teeth whitened at our offices, the first step is to set up a consultation appointment. We will want to examine you as a candidate for the tooth whitening procedure and explore any dental work you have had previously to ensure that the whitening procedure will not have negative effects. Once we collected the information we need, you will be scheduled for your whitening appointment.

The whitening is simple and will last up to an hour and a half. A lip retractor will be used to hold your lips away from the whitening agent. Then your gums will be covered with a compound that is necessary to protect your gums from the bleaching properties in the whitening agent. If you have sensitive teeth, we may also cover them with a light compound to prevent further sensitivity. After you are protected, a whitening gel with hydrogen peroxide will be applied to your teeth and left on for a specific amount of time. Depending on the shade of whiteness we are trying to attain, we may repeat gel applications, or use a light to activate the hydrogen peroxide in the gel. Afterward your teeth will be rinsed thoroughly. If the optimum shade has not been achieved at the first appointment, we will schedule another appointment to continue the whitening process.

Some aftercare is necessary but simple. Avoiding foods and beverages that may cause staining is important for a period of time after a whitening treatment. Avoiding tobacco is also important. Doing these things will help ensure that your teeth whitening procedure will keep your smile bright for a long time.

If you are thinking of an in-office whitening procedure, then please do not hesitate to call us here at (971) 441-5987 today. At Bravo Smile, we can help make your smile the brightest it can be.

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Bravo Smile
5100 S. Macadam Avenue, Suite 160
Portland, OR 97239-6102
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Teeth Whitening in Portland, OR
Brighten your smile with teeth whitening in Portland. Dr. Tom Flath at Bravo Smiles offers safe, effective whitening treatments.
Bravo Smile, 5100 S. Macadam Avenue, Suite 160, Portland, OR 97239 / (971) 441-5987 / / 2/7/2025 / Page Phrases: Dentist Portland OR /